
Direct delivery

Direct delivery


The goods delivered directly to the customer can be entered in the direct delivery mask. If the order is assigned, the delivered quantity is also noted on the order items.


Input window

This window is used to maintain direct deliveries. You can select a direct delivery by entering the desired number in the Number field and confirming with RETURN. If you want to call up the list window, you can select the menu item "Search". When posting a direct delivery document, the posting date is saved. The posting must be made manually, otherwise the subsequent departments could process incomplete data.

Direct deliveries that should not be entered can also be removed from the list of open order items using the function Release incoming invoice.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Create new direct deliveryCreate new direct delivery
: Save direct deliveryThe changes in the opened direct delivery are saved.
: Delete direct delivery -
: : This direct deliveryDelete current direct delivery
: : All unposted direct deliveries without positionsDelete all unposted direct deliveries without item
Print direct deliveryOpens the printer window for the opened direct delivery.
Further processing -
: : Booking Direct delivery document is posted, that is, the direct delivery quantity is entered in the preceding order item as a delivered and staged quantity.
: : Cancel booking Takes back the booking and thus the quantity adjustments to the previous order
: : Create return document Return documents are generated from the selected items. A new return document header is created.
: : Extend return document Return documents are generated from the selected items. A return document opened in the background is extended by the selected items
: Positions -
: : InsertInsert direct delivery items
: : EditEdit selected direct delivery items
: : DeleteDelete selected direct delivery items
: NotesCreate/edit notes
: distribution listsee distribution list
: document historyOpens the document history for the opened direct delivery
: Display logistics accountDisplay logistics account
: Create new quality assuranceCreate new quality assurance from the selected direct delivery items/ from the direct delivery.
Close Close window
Search Call up list window

Symbol Description
new.png Create new direct delivery
save.png Save direct delivery
delete.pngDelete direct delivery or all direct deliveries without items.
CX_PRINTER.png Print direct delivery
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes
out.png Edit distribution list
tree.png Display document history
CX_STOCK_ACCOUNT.png Show logistics account
CX_QUALITY_ASSURANCE.png Create new quality assurance from the marked direct delivery items / from the direct delivery
CX_PURCHASE_RETURN.png Create new return document
CX_PURCHASE_RETURN_add.png extend existing return document

Field Description
Number Direct delivery note number
CountryCountry of origin
Entrance Date of direct delivery
BookedDate of booking, remains blank if the direct delivery has not yet been booked.
Editor Selected editor
Forwarding agentSelected forwarding agent
Delivery note Number of the delivery note of the forwarding agency
Statistical periodThe statistics period into which the document is posted.
You can only post to periods that have been started.
Existing documents can only be changed within started periods.
Direct storageIndicates whether the direct delivery is a direct putaway.
Positions Listing of direct delivery items

button Description
InsertOpens the input window for a direct delivery item
RemoveRemoves the selected direct delivery item from the list.
BackThe window closes without saving any changes. If you want to save the changes, you must press the "Save" button.
BookThe displayed direct delivery is booked.
DeleteDelete direct delivery or all direct deliveries without items.
NewThe input window is cleared.
SaveChanges to the direct delivery are saved. If no changes have been made, the button is locked.

List window

Used to list direct deliveries.

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Search-
: : Perform multiple searchPerform multiple search:
All fields marked in blue are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
: : Reset listReset direct delivery list
: Create new direct deliveryCreate new direct delivery
: Edit direct deliveryThe selected direct delivery is opened in the input window.
: Delete direct deliveryOne or more selected direct deliveries are deleted without prompting.
Print direct delivery listOpens the printer selection window for the displayed direct delivery list.
: Notes Notes for the selected direct deliveries can be created and viewed here.
: Edit distribution listSee distributionlist
: Copy to clipboardCopy list with direct deliveries to the clipboard
: CloseClose window
Symbol Description
CX_AMOUNT_calculation.pngPerform multiple searches:
All fields marked in blue are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
list_clear.pngReset direct delivery list
new.png Create new direct delivery
open.png Process direct delivery
delete.png Delete direct delivery
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.pngPrint direct delivery list
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes
out.png Edit distribution list
copytoclipboard.png Copy all direct deliveries to the clipboard

Search fields
Field Description
Number Direct delivery note number
Date Date of receipt
Booked Booking date
ForwarderFreight forwarder
Delivery noteNumber of the delivery note of the forwarder
Country Country of origin

button Description
BackThe window closes.
DeleteThe selected direct delivery is deleted.
NewAn empty input window opens.
EditThe current direct delivery is displayed in the input window.

Selection window

This window is used to select a direct delivery.

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Search-
: : Perform multiple searchPerform multiple search:
All fields marked in blue are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
: : Reset listReset direct delivery list
: CloseClose window

CX_AMOUNT_calculation.pngPerform multiple searches:
All fields marked in blue are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
list_clear.pngReset direct delivery list

Search fields
Field Description
Number Direct delivery note number
Date Date of receipt
Booked Booking date
CarrierFreight forwarder
Delivery noteNumber of the delivery note of the forwarder
Country Country of origin

button Description
BackThe selection is cancelled.
SelectThe selected direct delivery is taken over.

Related topics

Technical Documentation


Structure like goods receipt modules:

  • Booking
    The document is posted according to the transaction description (EDIT_DIRECT_SHIPMENT, EDIT_DIRECT_SHIPMENT_BACK). The posting must be done manually, otherwise the subsequent departments could process incomplete data. Changes to direct deliveries are now only taken into account in the items.

Direct delivery provider module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CHANGED Direct delivery object Direct supply has been changed
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CREATED Direct delivery object Direct supply was generated
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_DELETED Direct delivery object Direct delivery was deleted

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module
EDIT_DIRECT_SHIPMENT NULL or direct delivery objectCall up input window for direct deliveryDirect delivery editing app

Direct delivery editing app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
COMMENT_CHANGED Object Comment has been changed
EDIT_DIRECT_SHIPMENT NULL or direct delivery object Call up input window for direct delivery
EMPLOYEE_SELECTED Employee object Employee was selected
FORWARDER_SELECTED Forwarding agent object Forwarding agent was selected
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CHANGED Direct delivery object Direct supply has been changed
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CREATED Direct delivery object Direct supply was generated
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_DELETED Direct delivery object Direct delivery was deleted
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_ITEM_CHANGED Direct delivery item object Direct delivery item was changed
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_ITEM_CREATED Direct delivery item object Direct delivery item was created
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_ITEM_DELETED Direct delivery item object Direct delivery item was deleted

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module
EDIT_COMMENT Object Open the input window for comments Comment editing module
EDIT_DIRECT_SHIPMENT NULL or direct delivery object Call up input window for direct deliveryDirect delivery editing app
LIST_DIRECT_SHIPMENT Open list window for direct delivery Direct delivery list app
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CHANGED Direct delivery object Direct delivery was changed
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CREATED Direct delivery object Direct supply was generated
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_DELETED Direct delivery object Direct delivery was deleted
SHOW_PREVIEW Widget Print Preview Print Preview

Direct delivery list app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CHANGEDDirect delivery objectDirect delivery has been changed
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CREATEDDirect delivery objectDirect delivery was created
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_DELETEDDirect delivery objectDirect delivery has been deleted
LIST_DIRECT_SHIPMENTCollection direct delivery objects or NULL, recipient of the response.Call list window for direct delivery

Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_DIRECT_SHIPMENTNULL or direct delivery objectCall input window for direct deliveryDirect delivery editing app

Direct delivery selection app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CHANGED Direct delivery object Direct supply has been changed
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_CREATED Direct delivery object Direct supply was generated
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_DELETED Direct delivery object Direct delivery was deleted
SELECT_DIRECT_SHIPMENT Collection direct delivery objects or NULL, recipient of the response Call up selection window for direct delivery

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module
EDIT_DIRECT_SHIPMENT NULL or direct delivery object Call up input window for direct deliveryDirect delivery edit app
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_SELECTED Direct delivery object, recipient Direct delivery was selected

Operational business